All pupils are required by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to satisfactorily complete a minimum of twelve hours of practical advocacy training, usually within their first six months of pupillage.
The Inn runs two advocacy training courses each academic year. Each course consists of a series of in-person sessions as well as a residential weekend.
As part of the pupils programme, the Inn also delivers a one day Practice Management Day (PMD). The PMD provides useful, practical information, directly from judges, clerks, solicitors barristers and accountants about all aspects of managing a practice at the Bar.
The fee for the advocacy training course and PMD is £30.
Compulsory Pupils' Advocacy Training Course 2024 - Course A (Oct/Nov)
Compulsory Pupils' Advocacy Training Course 2025 - Course B (Jan/Feb)
Fully booked.
Our next course will be in Autumn 2025.
The PMD will take place on Saturday 11 January 2025, at the Inn from 10 am - 3 pm.