Justice Donald Trotman

Justice Donald Trotman interviewed by Admas Habteslasie on 17 October.

Justice Donald Trotmanwas called to the Bar in 1961. He was a former President of the Inns of Court Students Union. He spent most of his working life in British Guyana practising as a judge, and is now retired. He has specialized in international law, human rights and conflict resolution. He is also an advisor to governments and NGOs, a diplomat, law professor and has worked with the UN, EU and other international organizations.

Admas Habteslasi was called to the Bar in 2014 and specialises in international and public law. He is a member of various organisations dealing with Human Rights, Immigration and International Law and has published articles on these subjects. He has worked for the Supreme Court and the UN Refugee agency in Syria and Jordan.

The interview covers Trotman's experiences at The Inner Temple as a student from rural Guyana and his activities as Chairman of the Students Union, his achievements in the Caribbean in furthering legal education and working on a case, his thoughts on the political situation at that time and human rights in courts and a description of returning to Britain and meeting a friend and refugee from Myanmar.

Run time is 1 hour 34 minutes and 14 seconds

Justice Donald Trotman interview by Admas Habteslasie

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