Collaborating with Others

The Inn will:

  • Collaborate with the other Inns and the Council of the Inns of Court (“COIC”) to develop and influence education policy, make best use of our pooled resources and capabilities, and align our regulations and policies where it is appropriate to do so.
  • Work in partnership with Inns of Court College of Advocacy (“ICCA”) to support the development of future and practising barristers.
  • Engage with Specialist Bar Associations to avoid duplication and maximise the impact and reach of our educational activities.
  • Collaborate with the Bar Council and other organisations to provide an effective outreach programme, and use Pupillage Gateway data and experience to inform our scholarships and pre-pupillage support programmes.
  • Collaborate internally to deliver this strategy, making best use of our pooled resources and capabilities
  • Work collaboratively with academic benchers and partners to inform and enhance our educational activities.

We will work closely with a broad range of partners to identify opportunities for useful collaboration with clearly defined outcomes, whilst avoiding duplication. We hope to make it easier for our members to navigate the broader education and training landscape so that opportunities are not missed.