Scholarships Feedback Policy

1. Background

1.1. The Inner Temple aims to be as transparent as possible with regards to our scholarships and outreach selection processes. It also recognises the benefit that application feedback can have for individual applicants.

1.2. The Inner Temple receives around 700 applications each year for its scholarships, awards and outreach programmes combined.

1.3. The Inner Temple relies on volunteer members to mark application forms and sit on interview panels.

1.4. This policy sets out how the Inner Temple provides feedback to its candidates and any limitations to this.

2. Definitions

Term Definition



Awards Programmes


Scholarships Programmes



Data relating to application and interview performance


This refers to the Inner Temple’s Pupillage and Internship Awards.


This refers to the Inner Temple Bar Course and GDL scholarship programmes.


This refers to an outreach programme for under-represented aspiring barristers.

3. Scope

3.1. This policy applies to unsuccessful candidates who have applied for the Inner Temple Bar Course and GDL scholarships, Pupillage and Internship Awards and the PASS Scheme.

3.2. This policy does not apply to any other Education and Training activity.

4. Receiving Feedback  

4.1. Candidates do not need to contact the Scholarships and Outreach Team to request feedback.

4.2. Candidates who are successful in applying for the programmes listed in 3.1. are not eligible for feedback.

4.3. All candidates who have been unsuccessful in applying for one of the programmes listed in 3.1 will automatically receive feedback in their letter informing them of the result of their application.

4.4. Candidates receiving feedback will receive a table listing the scores they were given for each individual criterion, in addition to their total score.

4.5. The table will be accompanied by an explanation of the following:

  • The total number of marks available for each criterion
  • An explanation as to how the total score is calculated, including a description of how scores are determined where multiple scores are awarded for the same criterion.
  • Unsuccessful candidates will also be provided with the lowest score awarded to successful scholars in that round. However, candidates are advised that this score changes year on year, dependent on the gathered field of the cohort, and therefore caution should be exercised if comparing this figure with data from other years.

5. Queries Relating to Feedback

5.1. Candidates should be aware that it is not possible to provide any additional feedback to what is described in section 4. Due to the large number of applications, it is not possible to provide written feedback and the Scholarships and Outreach Team do not hold this information. Any requests for further feedback will be rejected.

5.2. Any queries regarding feedback should be directed to the Scholarships Team via email (

5.3. Under no circumstances should a candidate contact, or put any questions to, any application assessor or interview panellist regarding application or interview feedback.

5.4. In the event that an Inner Temple member who has volunteered in the selection process receives a query from a candidate regarding their application, they should not respond and instead direct the enquiry to the Scholarships Team.

5.5. Candidates wishing to appeal against any decision should consult our Scholarships and Outreach Appeals Policy.