Becoming a Barrister

For a comprehensive breakdown of the different steps necessary to pursue a career as a barrister, we recommend checking out the Bar Council's 'Becoming a Barrister' pages. Depending on what stage you're at, whether you're a school student, university student, or career changer you'll find helpful advice and resources.

How to Join the Inner Temple

You can join an Inn of Court if you are studying a qualifying law degree, or studied on or have been accepted onto a law conversion course, or have been exempted from or have successfully completed the academic stage of training.

Depending on the pathway to qualification you are following, you will have a specific point at which you need to join an Inn of Court.  This is a requirement of the Bar Standards Board - more information on when to join an Inn can be found on their website.


In 2025, the Inn intends to make awards to a total value of just over £2,000,000. These funds are distributed between the Bar Course, GDL, Internships, Pupillage and Disability awards.

Opportunities for Prospective Barristers

We have a diverse range of opportunities and schemes to support you in your journey to becoming a barrister. 

Careers Guide

For Organisations Running Outreach Events

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