
The cost of joining an Inn is £112 and is a one-off payment

Applications should be submitted to the Inn at least 12 weeks prior to the commencement of the vocational part of your Bar Course; where the vocational component is split into two parts, applications should be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the start of Part 2.

Applicants declaring convictions, cautions, academic or professional misconduct or Bankruptcy/individual voluntary agreements/director’s disqualification should apply well in advance of this deadline to ensure they have enough time to get through the admissions process.

Applicants are strongly advised to read all the guidance materials in the application pack before beginning the application process.

Application Timescale and Method

We do our best to ensure that all applications are dealt with in the shortest possible time and processed as efficiently as possible. We endeavour to have all eligible completed applications admitted within two to three weeks of receipt. However, at busy times, such as close to the deadline for admissions, it can take a lot longer for applications to be processed due to the large number of applications we receive.

We continue to welcome applications by post but it is now easier for us to receive applications by email (not to mention using less paper), so we encourage applicants who have not previously made a scholarship application to create an account on our online admissions portal. Once there, select 'Start a new application,' fill out your details, select ‘General Admission’ from the application type drop down and ‘Student Graduate’ from the ‘application for’ dropdown. Once you’ve created your password, you’ll be invited to log in to your account using your email and the password you chose. When you’ve logged in you can go to ‘Complete application’.

If you have previously applied for a scholarship, just log in, choose ‘submit another application’ and continue as above.

Certificates and Payment

Certified copies of certificates and photographs should be attached to the application before you submit it to the Inn. If the materials provided do not match the requirements of the requested document, you will be asked to resubmit. You may be asked to provide originals or original certified copies before you can be admitted.

Certified copies of certificates and photographs may also be emailed, but again an electronic copy of a certified document is acceptable. You may be asked to provide originals or original certified copies before you can be admitted.

You will be asked to make a payment through the online admissions portal before submitting your completed application to the Inn. A refund for the entire fee will be made if your application to join the Inn is not successful.