About This Strategy

This document sets out the Inn’s education and training priorities, which will inform more detailed annual operational plans.

The scope of the strategy relates only to education and training. This is defined as outreach; scholarships; educational courses and events; and professional support, including mentoring and career guidance. The Education and Training Department undertakes to work closely with the other departments of the Inn where relevant to achieve this strategy’s objectives, in particular the Treasury Office and Library.

There are many external bodies involved in educating and training barristers at different points of their careers. We aim to work collaboratively with others to make best use of everyone’s resources. This strategy document therefore also aims to help relevant external bodies understand and appreciate what the Inn is planning to do.

There has been positive progress in increasing the diversity of the profession’s membership. More barristers and pupils come from backgrounds previously underrepresented at the Bar. We have an important role in continuing to support our members to fulfil their potential, irrespective of their background.