Being Inclusive

The Inn will:

  • Design and deliver educational events that cater for the needs of members irrespective of location.
  • Ensure that our education activities reflect the variety of practice areas at the Bar.
  • Attract talented individuals to the Bar from currently underrepresented groups through realistic, responsible and transparent outreach activities.
  • Support our student societies to be inclusive, accessible and welcoming to all.
  • Strive for equitable scholarship results through processes that that are fair and transparent, while optimising the use of available scholarship funds.

The Inn recognises the need to develop and maintain a diverse membership where all are welcome. Some members are employed and others self-employed. Some are based in London while others are based on Circuit. We will strive to ensure that all members feel valued.

The use of technology to offer hybrid events has vastly improved access to our educational content for members on Circuit. However, we recognise that the virtual learning experience is different to having an opportunity to network and discuss experiences in person. We will design and deliver events to achieve the aims of the relevant activities whilst also improving the experience for all. We will undertake to seek feedback where appropriate and use this to modify our approaches.

Our outreach activities will continue to focus upon dispelling myths that the profession remains the preserve of the elite. However, we will also be realistic with our messaging and explain that it is challenging to secure pupillage given the mismatch between applicants and available pupillages and tenancies. We will continue to develop an inclusive approach that targets underrepresented groups and provides the necessary insight, demystifying the Bar and building confidence.

Our scholarships make a vast difference to the lives of many who could not otherwise afford to study for a career at the Bar. We will continually review our processes to ensure they recognise potential irrespective of background and that financial awards support those with greatest need.

Our student societies are the beginning of a lifelong collegiate experience within the Inn. We will continue to work with them to ensure they are a stepping stone to an enduring connection with the Inn and its members, ideally linked into future volunteering and supporting other members. They are also a valuable way to develop our students’ key skills preparing them for practice.