Advocacy Teacher Training Course

For members interested in becoming advocacy trainers for the Inn


Next Course 4 and 5 October 2025


In person at the Inner Temple


Free to attend

The Inn’s advocacy courses for pupils and New Practitioners are led entirely by its members who have volunteered to become advocacy trainers for the Inn. We run a course each year for members interested in becoming advocacy trainers, held in late September/early October at the Inn.

Day One: 9am to 4pm

A full day’s practice of the Hampel Method of advocacy training. Our student volunteers present a number of examinations-in-chief, cross-examinations and closing speeches for a straightforward case, which our trainees trainers then give reviews of using the Hampel Method, with our senior trainers then giving feedback on these reviews.

Day Two: 9am to 1pm

An assessment session during which trainee trainers will be assessed on the reviews they give, with the senior trainers subsequently deciding on whether they can be accredited as an advocacy trainer for the Inn.


The course directors also run a short online session, one evening in the week prior to the weekend, introducing the Hampel Method ahead of the course. This additional session has been added to give a day or so for the method to sink in ahead of the weekend, and also to free up some time on the Saturday to allow for more practice of the method.

The course is free of charge and open to members of the Inn who have been practising for a minimum of 5 years.

The next course will take place on the weekend of 4 and 5 October 2025.

To express an interest in the course, please contact us via the details below.

Established Barristers

Established Barristers

Established Barristers