Junior Bar Association Panel Talk

Surviving on Your Feet


Wednesday 19 March




The Inner Temple and Online



Calling all first & second sixers and even new tenants! Working at the Bar can be incredibly stressful. How do you actually survive, day in and day out, on your feet as a barrister?

Never fear, for the Inner Temple JBA is here. Come to our Surviving on Your Feet Panel! Hear from barristers in the Family, Chancery/Commercial, Civil, Public and Criminal Bars about how they survived (and potentially even thrived?) when they were first on their feet.

The panel will take place in-person in Rooms 3 & 4 in the Treasury Building at Inner Temple. A link will also be sent out nearer to the event for remote attendance. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and you are welcome to join us for casual pub drinks (location TBC) after the panel talk.

Featured Speakers

Michaela Onuchukwu, 5 St Andrew’s Hill

Henrietta Blohm, 29 Bedford Row

Alex Ferrigno, 5 Pump Court

Evie Smith, Foundry Chambers

Bethany Smith, 36 Stone

Georgia-Mae Chung, Mountford Chambers