Saxons, Templars and Lawyers in the Inner Temple
£16.95 £10.00 (Ex VAT £10.00)
In 1999 and 2000, a series of small-scale excavations took place within the Inner Temple on Victoria Embankment in London. Excavations at Church Court took place ahead of the erection of a monument to celebrate the start of the third millennium of the Christian era whereas refurbishment of the adjacent Hare Court permitted further archaeological investigations to take place. This volume reports on the findings of these excavations which, though limited in extent and scope, revealed a wealth of material from the Middle Saxon to Post-medieval period. A range of artefactual finds and faunal remains are also described. A Saxon weapon burial dating perhaps to the 6th century, important although limited evidence for the use of the site by the Knights Templar, and evidence for Post-medieval occupation of the Temple by the Inns of Court and the lawyers, are among the notable finds.
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