The Inn wishes to commit fully to its responsibility for minimising the environmental, social and economic impacts of its operation and seeks continuous improvement in its environmental performance through implementation of this policy and the associated strategy. The Inn’s ultimate target is to reduce its carbon emissions in the long term while also developing short-term initiatives which improve environmental responsibility and ensure that our sustainability values are embedded within our community. We aim to be a centre of excellence in environmental management within the Inns of Court and to promote environmental best practice.
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Home › Who We Are › How We Operate › Policy Statements › Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
This Policy has been formulated by the Inn’s Sub-Treasurer (Chief Executive) and the senior management team and encourages all staff and members to be involved in continuous environmental improvement. This will be achieved by establishing environmental performance strategies, specifically relating to energy, procurement, waste, catering and building management. These strategies will be reviewed and reported upon regularly. In addition, the Inn will seek a rating of BREEAM ‘Excellent’ or ‘Outstanding’ for all new-build construction projects, and ‘Very Good’ on alteration projects to existing buildings.
The Inn will seek to ensure that all its activities are carried out in compliance with environmental regulations and in a sustainable manner. To support this Environmental Policy it will seek to engage all staff and members amongst the wider Inn community, inspiring and embedding sound environmental principles for the future of the Inn.
In mid-2019 the Inn set out its first environmental targets in a new five-year implementation commitment to mid-2024. The successes during this period include:
- Extending the Building Management System to include all major plant across the estate;
- Setting environmental targets within all Estates projects, including the adoption of the BREEAM standard for any new construction;
- The successful recycling of approximately 95% of waste arising on site for the wider environmental benefit, together with smaller and specific recycling initiatives;
- Use of a borehole for gardening watering, to ensure less reliance on mains water (and arrangements will soon be in place to permit rainwater harvesting on the terrace of the Treasury Building);
- Introduction of a Garden Biodiversity and Sustainability Policy;
- Engagement with local groups and other legal institutions on environmental issues, seeking out and implementing best practice, where relevant;
- The successful raising of awareness within the Inn’s community to ensure that everyone recognises and respects their environmental responsibilities and acts accordingly;
- A huge reduction in Inner Temple’s reliance on paper systems;
- Introduction of a bicycle loan scheme for staff.
- Regular audit of practices and procedures and reporting as appropriate to the Executive Committee;
- Including this Environmental Policy on our website.
Further objectives could include:
- The establishment of mechanisms for measuring and reducing carbon emissions;
- The development and implementation of a Sustainable Procurement Strategy that works to ensure sustainability, energy efficiency and recycling through a whole life costing approach;
- The implementation of effective energy management to further reduce the Inn’s carbon emissions (though procurement might be more expensive than through our current suppliers);
- That all estates and maintenance projects explicitly include environmental considerations and involve liaison with architects and contractors to ensure compliance (this is already done for all major projects);
- The implementation of a Water Management Strategy to ensure that more efficient systems of water management are introduced within the Inn;
- Regular audit of practices and procedures and reporting as appropriate to the Executive Committee.
This Policy and the obligations and responsibilities reflected in it will be communicated to all staff and other persons working on behalf of the Inn and made available to all members via the website.
Approved by the Executive Committee – July 2024