PASS Travel, Accommodation and Subsistence Policy

You are able to claim reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for the purposes of attending PASS events and mini-pupillages arranged through the scheme. This policy outlines what will be covered and how this can be claimed.

1. PASS Events

PASS will cover the cost of travel to all PASS related events, including the Dinner to the Universities. The PASS scheme is unable to cover the cost of travel to any other event.

The majority of PASS events are scheduled to ensure that it is possible to travel to and from most areas of the UK in a day. However, where this is not possible, hotel accommodation will be provided if required.

For the Dinner to the Universities, accommodation will be offered if you are unable to travel home after the conclusion of the dinner. You must indicate the need for accommodation when completing the registration form for the event.

2. PASS Mini-Pupillages

PASS will cover the cost of travel for all Scholars attending mini-pupillages as part of the PASS scheme.

PASS will cover the cost of accommodation if your commute time exceeds 1h 30mins OR where the cost of accommodation is less than the cost of daily travel.

PASS is unable to cover the cost of travel for any placements organised outside of the scheme.  

3. Travel

In most circumstances the Inner Temple will purchase tickets directly.  Details regarding travel times and ticket collection instructions will be sent by email in advance. Tickets may relate to specific trains and it is the responsibility of the PASS scholar to ensure that those trains are caught as it may not be possible to arrange a replacement ticket.

You should not book your own travel unless agreed with the PASS Team. If you are travelling within London using the Oyster System, or are using other local public transport services where tickets cannot be bought in advance, all incurred costs can be claimed via our expenses form. See the “Claiming Expenses” section of this policy for further information.

PASS will cover the cost of public transport which includes, coaches, trains, buses, trams and London Underground.

Where it is necessary PASS will cover the cost of air travel. However, PASS will only cover the cost of travel within the UK.  

PASS is unable to cover the cost of refreshments during journeys.


PASS will not routinely cover the costs of taxi hire. Exceptions will be considered where the travel is necessary and there are no alternative modes of transport, or where travel is occurring late at night. Any taxi claims must be agreed in advance with the PASS Team.


PASS encourage the use of public transport and so will not routinely cover the cost of travel via car. Exceptions will be considered where there are no alternative modes of transport. Any milage claims must be agreed in advance with the PASS Team. Where mileage claims are agreed you will be compensated at a rate of 45p per mile.

4. Accommodation

If you are eligible for accommodation, the PASS Team will book this and send details of the hotel via email in advance. You should not book your own accommodation and will not be able to claim this as an expense unless specifically agreed with the PASS Team.

5. Placement cancellation or non-attendance

If you are unable to attend a placement or event you should notify the PASS Team as soon as possible, so that we can seek refunds or reallocate unused tickets and accommodation bookings.

6. Reasonable Adjustments

 If you require alternative travel arrangements which sit outside of this policy as part of a reasonable adjustment, this should be included when completing the reasonable adjustment section of the PASS Registration Form. The team will then contact you to discuss arrangements in alignment with our Reasonable Adjustments Policy.

7. Subsistence Claims for PASS Mini-Pupillages

Whilst you are on your Mini-Pupillage you can claim the following amounts to contribute towards meals:

  • Up to £5 per day of your placement for lunch
  • Up to £25 for each night spent in a hotel during your placement for dinner and breakfast

This allowance is specifically for use to cover the costs of meals whilst away and is not intended for use to cover coffees or other snacks.

We ask that you make one claim after your placement has completed to reduce the administration burden on the team. See the “Claiming Expenses” section of this policy for further information.

This only applies to the Mini-Pupillage and subsistence claims cannot be made for PASS events.

8. Making an Expenses Claim

You may make an expenses claim in the following circumstances:

  • You have completed your Mini-Pupillage and are making a subsistence claim in line with section 6
  • You are claiming costs for London Transport or other local transport services, where tickets cannot be bought in advance
  • You have secured prior agreement with the PASS Team that you can make a claim for train tickets, mileage, or accommodation.

You should attach all relevant receipts as part of your claim. If you have paid for your travel via contactless payment you can provide a bank statement in place of receipts. A receipt is essential for any single payment above £10.

If claiming mileage, you should attach a document stating the start and end point of your journey, along with the number of miles travelled and dates travelled.

Please make a single claim for any expenses incurred for the purposes of a Mini-Pupillage or event in a single claim. Please be aware that you are only able to attach a single file to the expenses claim so we suggest that you take photos/screenshots of all relevant receipts and combine into one Word Document or PDF.

For subsistence claims, if exceeding the £5/£25 limit, you will only be able to claim up to the allowed amount.

All claims should be made within 3 months of the receipt date and must be made by the 31 December of that year. Expenses should be processed and paid within 30 days of the Inn receiving the claim.

Click here to open the expenses form