This policy sets out the approach that we take to identifying where reasonable adjustments are required and how we respond proactively to this. The scope of this policy includes access into and around buildings, and alternative facilities available.
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Home › Who We Are › How We Operate › Policy Statements › Reasonable Adjustments Policies › Reasonable Adjustments Policy – Buildings
Reasonable Adjustments Policy
Relating to the Inn’s Buildings and Precincts
The Equality Act 2010 provides protection against discrimination, harassment, and victimisation on the grounds of disability and other protected characteristics.
A person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. This encompasses individuals with physical or sensory impairments, mental ill health, specific learning difficulties, and a range of chronic or fluctuating conditions.
It is unlawful to discriminate against a disabled person in relation to the provision of access to property and related services. However, it is lawful to treat a disabled person more favourably because of their disability.
The physical constraints of the Inn’s buildings, and their protected character via Listing and the Conservation Area policies limits the level of access that can be provided, but other opportunities to apply reasonable adjustments may exist through other means. Assisting in the provision of alternative solutions is at the heart of how we work and ensures that accessible premises are provided for those that require them.
We have already provided a number of measures to aid accessibility into the Inn’s buildings and take a reactive approach to other reasonable adjustment requests from tenants and residents. We are mindful that adjustments may still be required, and our policy and procedures set out how these will be considered with the aim of removing any barriers for disabled members.
The Inn’s Treasury Building refurbishment was designed to ensure that the widest cross-section of our membership, and those outside our membership who use our facilities can do so. Reasonable adjustments feature in all procedures relating to events planning. The policy is available on the Inn’s website.
You can apply for a reasonable adjustment if you have a permanent or temporary disability, medical condition or learning need.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Inform tenants and residents about how to request a reasonable adjustment and how it will be responded to,
- Support staff at the Inn to comply with relevant equality legislation,
- Outline the necessary steps for the effective implementation of reasonable adjustments,
Applying for a reasonable adjustment
Barrister Conferences
Requests for accessible accommodation (where chambers’ normal rented accommodation precludes access), for the purposes of a conference between barrister and client, involving a disabled barrister or client, should be made to the Catering Sales and Marketing Department, who will allocate an accessible room, free of charge, but subject to availability.
Events, seminars, and courses held by chambers
If chambers require a reasonable adjustment for such an event, such as accessible accommodation for an event where disabled delegates are expected, a request for suitable accommodation should be made to Catering Sales & Marketing at the earliest opportunity. This will be provided, subject to availability, at normal hire rates.
Pupillage interviews
If chambers require a reasonable adjustment for such an event, such as accessible accommodation for an event where disabled pupil(s) are expected, a request for suitable accommodation should be made to Catering Sales & Marketing at the earliest opportunity. This will be provided, subject to availability, free of charge, but with any requested refreshments at normal costs of provision.
Applying for reasonable adjustments within chambers or residences
Any chambers tenant or resident may seek the Inn’s advice on the provision of reasonable adjustments within chambers or residences. The advice given will depend on the nature of the adjustment requested, the reason for the requested adjustment, and the feasibility of its provision, given the protected historic fabric of the majority of the Inn’s estate, and guide the applicant through any associated planning or conservation aspects. Dependent upon the nature of the requested adjustment, and the extent to which it confers long-term benefit to the premises, the Inn may offer to fully fund, or contribute towards the adjustment. A challenge to a refusal of funding may be put in writing and placed before the Inn’s Estates Committee, whose decision shall be final.
Accessible Parking for Blue Badge Holders
Data Protection
By submitting a request for reasonable adjustments, the applicant agrees to personal data being held for the purposes of processing the request, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
If disability information is required to remain confidential, the applicant will be advised if this will restrict the adjustments that can be made. This would be the case if circumstances are such that staff, or other personnel, would need to know who you are in order to make the relevant adjustment.
In line with the Inn’s data retention schedules, any information relating to reasonable adjustments will be held only for the time relevant to specific activity.
Appealing a decision
A challenge, to a refusal of Inn funding for a reasonable adjustment request, or where the Inn considers that it is for the applicant to make the reasonable adjustment, may be made in writing by the applicant and placed before the Inn’s Estates Committee, whose decision shall be final. If a reasonable adjustment request is declined, the reasons for this will be provided.
You will be asked to provide evidence to support your reasons for challenging the decision.
Version | Author | Date | Changes |
1 | Richard Snowdon | 25/04/2023 |