Scholarships Deferrals Policy

1. Introduction

1.1. GDL and Bar Course Scholarships are awarded to support students to cover the tuition and living costs associated with their study.

1.2. Scholars usually commence their studies in the academic year after the scholarship is awarded.

1.3. The Inner Temple recognises that scholars may need to defer their scholarship for a range of reasons.  This policy sets out the circumstances where a deferral will and will not be considered and how to apply for a deferral. This ensures that applications for deferrals will be treated consistently and fairly.

1.4. There are some differences which apply to GDL Matched-Funding deferrals and scholars who are eligible for GDL Matched-Funding should refer to section 9 of this policy.

2. Definitions

Term Definition

GDL Matched-Funding




Scholarship Acceptance Form


Undertaking Form


Deferral Request Form

This scheme guarantees all GDL scholars an award which is of equal value to their GDL scholarship for their Bar Course.


An awardee of a GDL or Bar Course Award.


An online form which is sent to scholars as part of their offer letter which scholars must complete to formally accept their award.


A form which the scholar must sign to accept the conditions on which the scholarship is offered.


An online form which is sent to scholars as part of their offer letter, which scholars must complete if they wish to apply for a deferral.

3. Eligibility for Deferrals

 3.1. Scholars can apply for a deferral for up to one year if they are unable to commence their course in the academic year following the award. This will normally only be granted where the following circumstances apply:    

  • Opportunities to undertake legal work experience and further legal study (i.e., LLM/ Masters in specialised legal area)
  • Paid employment in order to raise additional funds to support study
  • Physical or mental health condition preventing commencement of study
  • Parental leave
  • Caring responsibilities which prevent the commencement of study
  • Death/severe illness of an immediate relative

3.2. Scholars are not able to apply for a deferral for more than one year unless it is due to an extenuating circumstance as defined in section 4 below.

3.3. Deferrals of more than two years will not be granted in any circumstances. Scholars requiring a deferral of more than two years, would need to decline their award and reapply for a scholarship in the appropriate round for when they intend to begin the course.

4. Extenuating Circumstances for deferral requests of two years

4.1. Extenuating circumstances are defined as circumstances that: 

  • Are unforeseeable and beyond the control of the scholar 
  • Can be supported by independent evidence where appropriate. 

4.2. Extenuating circumstances which would normally fall within the scope of this policy include:

  • A new physical or medical condition which prevents the commencement of study
  • A long-term illness that has worsened or “flared up”
  • Death/severe illness of an immediate relative
  • Parental leave
  • Caring responsibilities which prevent the commencement of study
  • Personal/psychological issues for which counselling is received 
  • Fully funded legal study (i.e., the scholar has been granted a full scholarship from an external organisation, for further legal studies

4.3. Extenuating circumstances which would not normally fall with the scope of this policy include:

  • Undertaking a period of travel for leisure purposes or work commitments other than those referred to in 3.1.

5. Failure to inform the Inner Temple of the intention to defer

5.1 If a Scholar accepts a scholarship, requests funding and then defers the start of their Bar Course without informing the Inner Temple, they will be in breach of the conditions laid out in the Undertaking Form and may be asked to repay in full any amount already provided by the Inn.

5.2. If a Scholar neither completes the Scholarships Acceptance Form nor a Deferral Request form by the end of the calendar year in which they received their offer they will forfeit their scholarship.

6. Requesting a Deferral

6.1. Scholars planning to defer should not complete the Scholarships Acceptance Form and Undertaking Form.

6.2. Deferral requests should be made via the Deferral Request Form which will be included within the scholarship results letter. Scholars will be provided with a deadline by which they must complete the Deferral Request Form.

6.3. The Deferral Request Form will ask the scholar to include their reasons for deferring and to provide a date for when they expect to start their course.

6.4. In cases where circumstances change after the scholar has completed the Scholarship Acceptance Form and Undertaking Form, the scholar must indicate this on the Deferral Request Form.

6.5. Deferral requests cannot be made by email.

6.6. The Scholarships Team will acknowledge receipt of a Deferral request within 5 working days.

7. Approving Deferrals

7.1.  One-year deferral requests must be approved by the Scholarships Manager. If an application is made for reasons other than those listed in  paragraph 3.1. they will be referred to the Senior Manager (Scholarships and Outreach) or Director of Education.

7.2. Two-year deferral requests, or a request to extend an existing deferral, must be approved by the Chair of the Scholarships and Outreach Committee and the Director of Education.

8. Outcome

8.1. Decisions will be communicated to the scholar in writing, within 20 business days. If any delays to the decision-making timeframe are foreseen, the scholar will be kept informed as to the reasons for this and the likely length of the delay. 

8.2. If the deferral request has been made after the scholarship has been paid, the scholar will be asked to repay the scholarship to the Inn in full.

8.3. In the year the scholarship is to be awarded, the Scholarships Team will contact the scholar to confirm when they will be starting the course and ask them to complete the Scholarships Acceptance Form.

9. GDL Matched-Funding Deferrals

9.1. GDL scholars who are studying the GDL full-time for one year can apply for a deferral of up to one year if they are unable to commence the Bar Course the year after they complete the GDL.

9.2. GDL Scholars who are studying the GDL part-time over two years can apply for a deferral of up to two years if they are unable to commence the Bar Course the year after they complete the GDL.

9.3. Section 3.1. in this policy provides circumstances which would normally qualify for a deferral. In addition to this GDL Scholars may defer their matched funding if unsuccessful in the Bar Course scholarship round, in order to reapply.

9.4. Scholars are not able to apply for a deferral longer that set out in sections 9.1. and 9.2, unless it is due to an extenuating circumstance as defined in section 4.1.

9.5. Deferral requests should be made via the Matched Funding Deferral Request Form which will be included within the scholarship results letters. Scholars will be provided with a deadline by which they must complete the Deferral Request Form. Deferral requests cannot be made by email.

9.6. The consequences set out in section 5 of this policy as a result of not informing the Inn of an intention to defer also applies to GDL matched-funding deferrals.

9.7. The same procedures as set out in sections 7 and 8 of this policy for approving and communicating outcomes apply to matched-funding GDL deferrals.

9.8. If a GDL Scholar who is eligible for GDL Matched Funding successfully receives a Bar Course Award in the Bar Course Scholarship round, previous deferrals will be discounted, and scholars should refer to sections 3-8 for information on deferring Bar Course Scholarships.